THE MK-18 BLASTER BY CYMA!! The MK-18 blaster is one of our newest arrivals here at M4A1 Gel Blaster! It's affordable, has great looks, and definitely has Lee's approval. It even comes in two variants: the metal gearbox and the nylon gearbox. Watch Lee's video above to see the full review, or scroll on to see the highlights! SO WHAT'S IN THE BOX? The...
  • Scar L with EGLM 40mm Grenade Launcher!!!

    Scar L with EGLM 40mm Grenade Launcher!!!

    Scar L with EGLM 40mm Grenade Launcher!!!  What a beast! Lee goes through a whole review of the Scar L blaster AND the EGLM 40mm Grenade Launcher! This pack really stands out from the rest, the power and looks are simply unreal. Watch Lee's video about to see the full review for yourself, or scroll on to see the highlights!  SO WHAT'S IN THE...
  • Lee's most used blaster of 2020 🔥

    Lee's most used blaster of 2020 🔥

    Lee's most used blaster of 2020 🔥 This week Lee goes into detail about his most used blaster and what makes it so powerful! Watch Lee's video above to hear it from the man himself, or scroll on to get the highlights! OVERVIEW This blaster was purchased as an SLR receiver kit and from there, Lee completely built the whole thing bit by bit. It...
  • Lee's Modded Blaster! Yellow TSG w/ Triple Sector Gears 🔥 🔥 🔥

    Lee's Modded Blaster! Yellow TSG w/ Triple Sector Gears 🔥 🔥 🔥

    Lee's Modded Blaster! Yellow TSG w/ Triple Sector Gears 😎 This week we check out Lee's Yellow TSG! This is one of only a small number of working TSG's in the Gel Ball World. Lee goes into detail about what makes this blaster work, takes it to the field and runs it through the Chrono and a 10-meter accuracy test! OVERVIEW Lee is actually...
  • How To Get Into Gel Balling For Under $350 🤔😍

    How To Get Into Gel Balling For Under $350 🤔😍

    How To Get Into Gel Balling For Under $350 🤔😍 Interested in Gel Ball but don't know where to start? This video with Lee explains everything you need to know to get started! First things first! You're going to need to chose a blaster! Lee suggests the CQB Well (Full Nylon) and the Well MRT (Full Nylon). Both of these blasters can be bought...
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